Who Rules America?  By G. William Domhoff, University of California at Santa Cruz

Members of the Santa Cruz City Council, 1970-2013

= very conservative
= conservative
= centrist
= liberal
= very liberal
= mayor

Place your mouse over the colored boxes to see the year; mouse-over the names to see their political affiliation.

(Click here for the same data presented as a list of years, rather than a list of people.)

1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s 2010s
Eugene Fleming
Growth Machine
Norman Walters
Growth Machine
Richard Werner
Growth Machine
Lorette Wood
Growth Machine
Ernest Wicklund
Growth Machine
Anne Garni
John Birch Society
Al Castagnola
Growth Machine
Vernon Smith
Growth Machine
Denver Groff
Growth Machine
Robert Jones
Growth Machine
Sally Di Girolamo
Neighborhood Activist
Bert Muhly
Neighborhood Activist & Planner
Virginia Sharp
Neighborhood Activist & Environmentalist
John Mahaney
Growth Machine
Larry Edler
Growth Machine
Carole De Palma
Neighborhood Activist
Charlotte Melville
Neighborhood Activist & Growth Machine
Joseph Ghio
Growth Machine
Jim Hammond
Growth Machine
Spiro Mellis
Growth Machine
Mike Rotkin
Marxist, Socialist/Feminist
Bruce Van Allen
Marxist, Socialist/Feminist
Mardi Wormhoudt
Neighborhood Activist & Feminist
John Laird
Neighborhood Activist & Gay Activist
Jane Weed
Neighborhood Activist & Leftist
Arnold Levine
Growth Machine
Katy Sears-Williams
Growth Machine
Don Lane
Neighborhood Activist
Mo Reich
Neighborhood Activist & Gay Activist
Katherine Beiers
Neighborhood Activist
Jane Yokoyama
Neighborhood Activist
Neal Coonerty
Scott Kennedy
Louis Rittenhouse
Growth Machine
Cynthia Mathews
Neighborhood Activist
Celia Von der Muhl Scott
Neighborhood Activist & Environmentalist
Mary Beth Campbell
Michael Hernandez
Neighborhood Activist
Tim Fitzmaurice
Christopher Krohn
Keith Sugar
Ed Porter
Neighborhood Activist
Emily Reilly
Mark Primack
Ryan Coonerty
Tony Madrigal
Liberal & Union Activist
Lynn Robinson
Law-and-Order Centrist
David Terrazas
Hilary Bryant
Micah Posner
Progressive Activist
Pamela Comstock
Law-and-Order Conservative
Cynthia Chase
Progressive Activist
Richelle Noroyan
Sandy Brown
Progressive Activist
Martine Watkins

Source: Santa Cruz Public Library

This document's URL: http://whorulesamerica.net/santacruz/santa_cruz_city_council_members.html